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[2011 FOSS Con. Korea] 2011 FOSS 국제 컨퍼런스 코리아
과정 이미지
[2011 FOSS Con. Korea] 2011 FOSS 국제 컨퍼런스 코리아 과정정보
신청기간 상시
교육기간 수강신청일로부터 93일
교육시간 10시간
담당강사 FOSS
교육비 무료
2011 FOSS Con. Korea

Session 1
FOSS in business governance and maximizing value
Shane Coughlan
Senior Advisor, FSFE

Session 2
FSFE legal and the desirable relationship between FOSS Community and Korea
Matija Suklje
Legal Coordinator, FSFE

Session 3
GPLv3 and the “ anti- TiVO ” clause
McCoy Smith
Intellectual Property Practice Group Director, Intel

Session 4
License compliance in current consumer electronics devices with focus on Android
Armijn Hemel
GM/Owner, Tjaldur SW Governance Solutions

Session 5
FOSS license compliance and license enforcement in Germany
Till Jaeger
Partner, JBB &ifross

Session 6
FOSS governance best practices
Philip Odence
VP, Black Duck Software

Session 7
Need for affirmative actions in public procurement for Free SW
Carlo Piana
General Counsel, FSFE
수료/과락 기준
수료/과락 기준
평가기준 진도 시험 과제 토론 기타
배점 100% 0% 0% 0% 0%
과락기준 80% 0점 0점 0점 0점
※ 수료기준은 각 평가항목의 점수가 과락기준 점수 이상이고 총점이 80점 이상이어야 합니다.
수료/과락 기준
FOSS [강사소개]
차시 강의명
1차시 Current state & strategies of OSS in Korea
2차시 Current state of FOSS governance and legal issues in Korea
3차시 Freedom by Default
4차시 Foss in Business Governance and Maximizing Value
5차시 FSFE legal and the desirable relationship between FOSS Community and Korea
6차시 GPLv3 and the “ anti- TiVO ” clause
7차시 License compliance in current consumer electronics devices with focus on Android
8차시 FOSS license compliance and license enforcement in Germany
9차시 FOSS governance best practices
10차시 Need for affirmative actions in public procurement for Free SW