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Tizen Developer Summit 2014

The Tizen Developer Summit is a regional, technical conference for Tizen developers, App developers, ISVs, Platform designers, Operators, OEMs, Hardware vendors, Software vendors, Open source enthusiasts, and anyone engaged in Tizen.This is the first time, we are bringing a major Tizen event to China!
As announced at this year's Tizen Developer Conference, Tizen is expanding beyond Mobile and IVI into a plethora of new devices.Join us for at this exciting developer event in Shanghai to duscuss the opportunities that are available with Tizen, the OS of Everything.
수료/과락 기준
평가기준 | 진도 | 시험 | 과제 | 토론 | 기타 |
배점 | 100% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% |
과락기준 | 80% | 0점 | 0점 | 0점 | 0점 |
※ 수료기준은 각 평가항목의 점수가 과락기준 점수 이상이고 총점이 80점 이상이어야 합니다.
[강사소개] - |
[경력] - |
차시 | 강의명 |
1차시 | Tizen Mobile UX Introduction |
2차시 | Open Source를 활용한 IoT 시대의 Interoperability Issue 해결 |
3차시 | Introduction To Tizen Ecosystem |
4차시 | Tizen TV Architecture Overview |
5차시 | Multimedia Framework Overview |
6차시 | Getting Started with Tizen SDK : How to develop a web app |
7차시 | Tizen Mobile/Wearable Profile Overview |
8차시 | Tizen 핵심 툴킷 EFL로 빠르고 가벼운 앱 개발하기 |
9차시 | Tizen 2.3 API Overview |
10차시 | CSS Selector and Web App Performance |